Nugget Wash;
Recently, on the Remote Prospecting Thread, I brought up Nugget Wash and the Silver Nuggets. ... &start=800
(Scroll down to the post, "Nugget Wash".)
A company known as Silver One Resources, Inc. has bought out Phoenix Silver.
Check out their photos and maps! ... r_phoenix/
The relevant part of this is the extraordinary size of the Silver Nuggets. The second take-away is from the Project 417 video is the "Metal Detecting is Trespassing" Sign(s). The third take-away is the Chromite Nugget that I found and the contribution of chromite to the overabundance of black sand in the area.
Nugget Wash is apparently outside of and over the ridge from the area where the Silver One Project is located in T2N R15E Sec26.
During my visit to Nugget Wash, I was impressed with the abundance of black sand naturally concentrated on and along the Forest Road that leads into the area. I shoveled up a 5 gallon bucket of PURE black sand for further inspection! My interest was in the SILVER contained in the black sand. Silver sulfide (argentite) below 177 degrees C becomes Acanthite which is a black mineral.
How much SILVER (Acanthite) is in the Black Sand?
Are there deposits of High Silver content?
Stick around and find out!
- Geowizard