Remote prospecting? - Chapter 2:

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Remote prospecting? - Chapter 2:

Post by Geowizard » Sun Jun 27, 2021 4:38 pm

"Never Marry a GOLD Mine";

Starting over involves turning the page and beginning a new chapter. Lessons learned during the previous chapter may have bearing on the challenges ahead. Having been there and done that in most cases provides a level of confidence. A new chapter will be filled with new knowledge gained from an unknown - never been there before prospect. With no tools, I begin the process with the basics.

Two options;

There are two options available. One is to go for a high grade target in an unknown (to me) mining district or the second option, a lower grade, high probability target in a familiar mining district. After days of rationalizing what the best course will be, I have opted for the second option. The familiar path of the second option removes the uncertainty of "getting there from here".

Starting over has the advantage of experience gained in the previous venture. I know what I don't need and I know what I DO need. Knowing the difference avoids the cost involved in getting tools that are not needed. Tools cost money. Tools are heavy and tools require space.

Having been involved in the art and science of interpretation of geophysical surveys, I have been able to map out anomalies that represent high probability GOLD deposits. A GOLD deposit that is coincidental with a presently producing or past producing placer GOLD deposit provides correlation of "Anomaly" and "GOLD".

Don't go away! :)

- Geowizard
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Re: Remote prospecting? - Chapter 2:

Post by Slatco » Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:44 am

Haha the devil you know is often easier to deal with than the one you don't!
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