by Joe S (AK) » Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:27 pm
We all look at life from our own unique perspective and most of us welcome parallel views when ours are a bit weak, incomplete or maybe a bit stand alone. That is how we all grow in our ways of seeing and doing things.
That is exactly why I come here, as well as a number of other Gold Mining forums - to learn about Gold and the various ways it's found, the various items of equipment used and other such things of importance to me. New ideas, techniques modifications, innovations, insights and even new equipment are the life's blood in our specific pursuits here while the 'I'm always right and so that is just how everyone should see things.' stance from the past ways of doing things just doesn't cut it for me, not at all.
In addition, if something of interest comes up as a tangent then yes, lets discuss that for what it lends to our core interests - but just discuss them in passing, while letting the give and take here bring a clearer conclusion as to how 'it' influences our identified reason for being here - knowledge in the mining of Gold.
'Cherry Picking' the internet for a day or more to selectively harvest far flung facts to bolster one sided, wandering and dead ended rhetoric also doesn't cut it for me. That practice, in my personal view, is quite counter-productive to the entire thrust of why we all come here and it just wastes my time.
May I respectively point out that right here and right now it's probably past time to reconsider any position of presumptive superiority (bolstered with snappy facts from scouring the net) and get back to mining for Gold instead.
While I have been very reluctant to be so blatant, blunt and seemingly uncaring in voicing such views in the past, those selfsame points have been the topic of more and more of my private conversations lately, written and verbal, with other folks who visit here. (Or, actually more to the point, many whom used to visit here.)
So to sum it up - posting back to 'on topic' mining strings as well as a grounding in common courtesy will encourage those who come here to join in, instead of getting pushed off to the side, while slowly encouraging new, centered, members to join into the conversation.
Determination, Tempered in the Heat of Stubbornness,
Really Gets Things Done!