Market Share;
In the free-enterprise system, companies work to increase their share of the market. Not surprisingly, they want a bigger piece of the pie!
Drone manufacturers are no exception.
One of the means of dominance in the market is through effecting "paradigm shifts" that happen to improve their position in the market place. For example; It has been known for some time that "officials/agencies" have expressed concern for the "safe operation" of drones. That created a shift toward regulation of who and where drones may be operated in the interest of "public safety". These factors have lead to further discussion between leading drone manufacturers and the Fed's to establish "controls" and/or monitoring. The leading drone manufacturers stepped up to the table with their ideas of how they might contribute to providing a solution!
The Feds come in with a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) that is extreme with the understanding that passage of a LESS restrictive set of rules will be easier for the public to digest! The public is given an reasonable opportunity to respond. Its all done reasonably to avoid the sensation of having Federal Rule making shoved down your throat.
Ultimately a company such as the one at the opening of this topic become a "partner" with the Feds on a soft approach to increasing Government control and breaching privacy while achieving market dominance. All represented as a win - win for them and the public. See, we spoke up and the Feds softened the rules!
- Geowizard