Drone operators... ALERT ! New FAA rules

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Drone operators... ALERT ! New FAA rules

Post by chickenminer » Fri Feb 28, 2020 4:44 am

I should have posted about this before ... sorry for the lateness.
Proposed new FAA "remote ID" rules for drone flying will kill drone flights
for those of us flying in remote locations!
Comments need to be in by March 2.

More at this link ...
https://content.dji.com/we-strongly-su ... e3bFwjRJM
C.R. "Dick" Hammond
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Re: Drone operators... ALERT ! New FAA rules

Post by gabbie » Fri Feb 28, 2020 5:46 am

wow didn't here about it until you posted it I use mine for photos on our claims even for the corp of eng for our plans of operation we are remote with no commacation now its to late to send it in but thank you
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Re: Drone operators... ALERT ! New FAA rules

Post by easy goer » Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:19 pm


I went and tried to read the proposed rules. I need a Philadelphia lawyer! My question is this, would our drones be unable to fly or would they be unable to fly legally? Meaning would they no longer operate and fly at all or would we be able to fly and operate them but would be breaking the law??

If is the latter we may need to declare our claims as "sanctuary claims" where we don't enforce the new regulations.

I left a comment, hope the message is received before it is too late. Thanks for bring this to our attention.

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Re: Drone operators... ALERT ! New FAA rules

Post by Geowizard » Fri Feb 28, 2020 2:34 pm

Who owns the airspace?

Maybe a better question is who really controls the airspace? :o

Coming in the back door for "Market Control".

DJI was the "original" drone manufacturer that required customers to be "connected" through a smart phone app and to the "cloud". I always considered it to be an encroachment into privacy that a company would want to be able to see what I see and know where I am. Today, we live in a world where companies like DJI use all means at their disposal to collect "user data" and develop a profile of their customers and the applications for which the drones are used. IF DJI could ultimately work in collusion with a regulatory body like the FAA to "make new laws" that drone operators conform to tracking - it obsoletes all other drones and gives DJI market control! So, in the interest of appearing to NOT be associated with this effort, the DJI propaganda machine exploits the public image of NOT being in favor of tracking... or at least to the degree the regulations would require. DJI knows very well that tracking technology is and has been in place on their drones from day one.

Control of property?

Property ownership historically has included everything above and below the surface. Welcome to the new world order! As we know, property owners may or may not control the minerals below the surface.

The airspace?

Well, the Civil Aeronautical Authority (CAA) began a process of regulating aircraft and the airspace prior to World War II. Yep, there were drones in WW!! that were used to bomb civilian targets in England.

The regulatory agencies continued to evolve. Alaskan Aviators represented a mixed breed of pioneer aviators that opposed regulation by the FAA. Yes, they defied regulation! Even today, there are pilots in Alaska that don't have a pilot license! :o

There are powers that be that would control all aspects of the markets, the water, the air, drones, airplanes, land, minerals and the sea!

Civil Disobedience;

There are those that generally remain within regulatory compliance. Because their activity causes little or no harm to others or society in general, are sometimes disobedient. I often drive down the freeway at the speed limit while other drivers are passing me. This is a simple example of being disobedient. :)

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Re: Drone operators... ALERT ! New FAA rules

Post by Geowizard » Fri Feb 28, 2020 2:53 pm


Most drones (not DJI drones) are fully autonomous. My favorite is the GoPro Karma. The Karma includes a controller and is not connected to anything except the controller.

This means that the operator of the drone is in control. Yes, the drone will work and operate as specified. :)

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Re: Drone operators... ALERT ! New FAA rules

Post by Geowizard » Fri Feb 28, 2020 3:05 pm

Limits of enforcement;

There ARE limits to the enforcement of regulations. Regulations may be written and placed on the books. The question, then becomes a question of how does an agency enforce the new rules?

An outlaw drone could be operated anywhere in a remote location. The possibility of locations is almost endless.

Ask the question;

How many "drone detectives" would be required to go out and wait... camp out waiting... for an outlaw drone to appear and then go through the effort to apprehend the offender? :)

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Re: Drone operators... ALERT ! New FAA rules

Post by Geowizard » Fri Feb 28, 2020 3:16 pm

Jiggs and Faye;

When I was a young boy, back in the 1950's, My parents spoke of a couple that had a homestead near the John Day River, in Oregon. The John Day River was and is known for Placer GOLD. Jiggs and Faye lived a very comfortable life with no "visible" means of support and drove a NEW car where others had very little and drove old beaters to and from work. It was always speculated that their "root cellar" was a GOLD mine. :o

This speaks to the fact that there are things in life that happen. It's really nobody else's business what happened. :)

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Re: Drone operators... ALERT ! New FAA rules

Post by Geowizard » Fri Feb 28, 2020 3:54 pm

Fully Autonomous;

Fully Autonomous drones can be launched that are programmed to "go on a mission".

There's NO controller. No radio link. The user simply designates a "flight plan" using the software supplied by the vendor. The drone goes out on the flight planned route, records photographic of other data required by the operator.

Note; The world is becoming more clandestine as government over-reach and control increases. Probably off-topic here.

Even more-so in the mining industry. Drones are commonly used now for photometric and geophysical surveying. Check out Ground Truth Exploration, https://www.groundtruthexploration.com/ for example. :)

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Re: Drone operators... ALERT ! New FAA rules

Post by chickenminer » Fri Feb 28, 2020 6:11 pm

Good question. I think a lot depends on the drone manufacturer. They could require a new update that no
long allows certain flying. If this screwball regulation goes through in the present form I would be hesitant to
do any further updates on your drone.
C.R. "Dick" Hammond
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Re: Drone operators... ALERT ! New FAA rules

Post by Kodiak » Fri Feb 28, 2020 9:04 pm

Wow, Just read the FAA proposed "Remote ID Rule".

I am a Part 107 (Unmanned Aerial System) certified commercial drone pilot doing Remote Photogrammery of timberlands, and if this proposed rule goes through I will be unable to fly because of lack of Internet in 2-3 years. This has got to be one of the most outlandish ideas I've ever heard, some of it makes sense, but requiring every drone to be actively connected to the Internet to function is ridiculous. What is to stop some hackers from taking over control of all those drones? Sure 15 minutes of battery flight time isnt much, but multiply that by hundreds of thousands of drones on some nefarious purpose, and that can be alot of havoc.
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