Trip update

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Trip update

Post by Jim_Alaska » Sat Nov 09, 2019 1:34 am

Well, I was gone on a trip to Arizona for a week. Nobody noticed and you folks did real good on the forums.
I was helping a friend and dredge partner move from Oregon back to Tucson where his house is.

Saw lots of desert and lots of mining/prospecting evidence. Many coyote prospect holes in Nevada and some commercial operations in evidence in the foothills. Saw one huge open pit Copper mine in Yerington. The tailing piles were just huge. I was able to pick up some interesting Copper specimens; I know, they aren't worth anything, but interesting to me anyway.

I didn't see much mining evidence in Arizona, but that's probably because I was travelling and not off the highway at all. I do know from past experience that there is gold as a by-product of Copper in Jerome and gold over the hill in Prescott.

Near where my friend lives near Tucson there is a huge Copper mine with tailing piles running for what looks like miles. He lives in the hills to the south of Tucson and we could see all of Tucson, as well as all of the tailing piles at the mine.

We stayed off of the Interstate, so got to see more county and it was an enjoyable and safe trip. We made 750 miles the first day, not bad for secondary road. It is good to be home though.
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Re: Trip update

Post by Johnedoe » Sat Nov 09, 2019 3:20 am

Hey Jim.
Glad you had a good trip and good to see you made it back home safe and healthy.
Did you make it down to Bisbe by chance while you were there.... HUGE old open pit copper mine and an interesting town ...
Some rock shops there with some incredible specimens too.
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Re: Trip update

Post by Jim_Alaska » Sat Nov 09, 2019 12:38 pm

No john, I don't remember even seeing a town by that name. we traveled the route 17 corridor and didn't leave it until I-10
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Re: Trip update

Post by chickenminer » Sun Nov 10, 2019 5:27 am

That's cool. I loved the trip my wife and I took through AZ a few years ago. First time I had been out of Alaska in
50 yrs. Sure different country. The openness of the country was great and lots of cool rockhounding ! Covering 750 miles in a day doesn't give much of a chance to get out and kick rocks!
C.R. "Dick" Hammond
Stonehouse Mining
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Re: Trip update

Post by Jim_Alaska » Sun Nov 10, 2019 6:24 am

Yes Dick, no rock kicking. Can't walk very far or very long any more. Unsteady on uneven ground. I'll just have to let those who can do the rock kicking for me.

We were on a mission to get my friend moved anyway. Visiting a couple of people on the way didn't eave much time for exploring. But the seeing was fun anyway.

You are right about the country being open for a long way. Makes me wonder what it would be like exploring it; where to even begin.
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