This Farewell survey summary was just released. It covered some very interesting ground. ... 19_012.pdf
The Farewell geophysical survey is located in the Alaska Range of southcentral Alaska in the Yentna and
McGrath mining districts, about 150 kilometers northwest of Anchorage, Alaska. Frequency domain
electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric data were collected with the DIGHEMV system from September
12th to November 3rd, 2012 and June 29th to September 27th, 2013. A total of 7187.5 line kilometers were
collected covering 2544.9 square kilometers. Line spacing was 400 meters (m). Data were collected 30 m
above the ground surface from a helicopter towed sensor platform (“bird”) on a 30 m long line.
This is an area that can be considered as "Remote Prospecting"...

The rewards could be great for the adventurous!

- Geowizard