Met an interesting guy today

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Met an interesting guy today

Post by Jim_Alaska » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:03 am

I was in Seiad Valley here in California having breakfast at the diner and met an old miner. When I say old I mean really old, he was 92. As expected he had some good stories to tell. One was about finding a specimen nugget with his new Goldbug 2 at 8,500 feet elevation in Arizona. He had the nugget with him and you could just tell that he loved to tell people about it since he carried it with him.

He sounded nostalgic as he talked about not being able to even metal detect any more because he couldn't get down on the ground to dig any more. It reminded me of where I am headed since my leg and feet problems are getting to that point also. It is difficult, but I can get down to dig, it hurts some being on my knees, but then comes the getting back up part. Getting up off of the ground is extremely difficult for me any more.

So you can imagine how difficult detecting is for me because of the numerous times you have to get on the ground to dig with each signal. I wish someone would come up with a tool to dig targets from a standing position. I know; wishful thinking. :mrgreen:
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Re: Met an interesting guy today

Post by Lanny » Thu Feb 28, 2019 2:25 am

Jim, interesting story that I enjoyed reading, thanks. A nugget at that elevation in Arizona is intriguing . . .

As for your idea for such an invention to be able to stand up and still be able to dig targets, I hope someone comes up with it for those that are finding it difficult to recover targets in the traditional way. I'm sorry that outings are getting more challenging for you, truly as it must be discouraging after you've had so many fun years chasing the gold.

All the best,

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Re: Met an interesting guy today

Post by Joe S (AK) » Thu Feb 28, 2019 5:59 am

Jim -

Potato Rake.

Hand held 'picker-uppers'. Those 30" long pincers with a pistol grip for picking your socks up off the floor.

Small (almost child's size) shovel to scoop up the treasures.

OH, an afterthought - borrow some grandkids - they love taking a trip and they are soooooo active. :o
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Re: Met an interesting guy today

Post by Jim_Alaska » Thu Feb 28, 2019 3:38 pm

Thanks for the suggestions Joe. But I think if you could see me and compare what I was like the last time you saw me to today you would understand. Your suggestions might work, but they would be extremely hard to accomplish. First off I have to use a cane at all times, even on a flat floor. That makes detecting difficult to impossible because it takes both hands. Carrying all the stuff you listed would be very cumbersome while trying to detect.

Then the digging part. A potato rake is for soft ground, I can't imaging it would work for hard ground and rocks. Then you can't just pick up a nugget with the grippers, you first have to go through the process of locating it by eliminating barren dirt, that takes getting down on the ground and then and working with your green scoop to find the nugget.

All it would take for a dangerous fall is one slight misstep. I had one of those falls last summer at home that took extensive physical therapy that lasted right up to now.

Sorry to sound so negative, but this condition is very discouraging. About the only thing I can do mining wise now is the crawl around on bedrock and clean cracks and that is physically demanding. Did a whole summer of that summer before last. Carrying the tools and buckets of material is even dangerous because I can only use one hand which makes for multiple trips on uneven and for me, dangerous ground.

As for the grand kids, I only have one and he is too far away to be of any help.
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Re: Met an interesting guy today

Post by Slatco » Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:15 pm

Sounds like you need to start digging from the seat of a excavator Jim!
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Re: Met an interesting guy today

Post by Jim_Alaska » Fri Mar 01, 2019 5:00 pm

Slatco wrote:
Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:15 pm
Sounds like you need to start digging from the seat of a excavator Jim!
Yes, that would be wonderful Slatco. Two problems with that also. I don't have an excavator and California has banned any kind of mining or gold recovery.
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Re: Met an interesting guy today

Post by Geowizard » Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:52 pm


Both of those have remedies! :)

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Re: Met an interesting guy today

Post by Johnedoe » Sat May 04, 2019 2:44 pm

With commiefornia being the way it is......... WHY do you live there Jim?
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Re: Met an interesting guy today

Post by Jim_Alaska » Sat May 04, 2019 3:02 pm

Johnedoe wrote:
Sat May 04, 2019 2:44 pm
With commiefornia being the way it is......... WHY do you live there Jim?
Your question is a complicated one for me. Originally living here was thrust upon me by unavoidable life circumstances. Those circumstance have now passed into history, but now, at my age and physical deterioration I choose to stay put.

I toughed it out this long also because of my work in trying to reverse the political climate here that led to our not being able to mine. I also figured that if we could get back in the water, this is where I would want to be.

Although I loved Alaska and still do, the rigors of living and trying to mine there are beyond me at this stage of life.
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Re: Met an interesting guy today

Post by Geowizard » Sat May 04, 2019 4:35 pm

The biological clock;

Everyone has a biological clock.

The clock starts ticking when we are born and with each tick of the clock, we all get older... :o

Occasionally, I meet other men more senior than I am that are human dynamos resembling the Eveready Energizer Bunny! Yet, I also meet others that are more resigned for reasons that may be related to health which limit their level of physical activity.

I live in an area where the majority of the population would be considered retirement age. There is a wide range of ability and disability among that group. Each day, I appreciate being able to get up and lead a relatively normal life.

With increasing age, I also recognize and appreciate the levels of ability and disability in others within my age group.

With aging and importantly being of sound mind, there is a contribution that can be made. The legacy that GOLD prospectors have to offer is through sharing experiences, observations and general philosophy.

All of us can help change the direction of future generations.

Forums such as this provide a place where young and old can learn about every aspect of GOLD prospecting. :)

- Geowizard
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