Prospecting Goldstream!

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Prospecting Goldstream!

Post by Geowizard » Sat Jan 05, 2019 6:08 pm

Hi Guys and Gals,

One of the most important Gold prospecting areas in ALASKA is Goldstream!

This area has been a prolific GOLD producing area within a short drive from Fairbanks. :o

The Goldstream Geophysical survey is found at Alaska DGGS.

I would point out for your viewing pleasure the Goldstream Project Report...

The link is here: ... report.pdf

Let's see if we find some interesting Anomalies that need diggin! :)

- Geowizard
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Re: Prospecting Goldstream!

Post by Jim_Alaska » Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:37 pm

I just looked at Goldstream Valley on Google Earth, it sure has grown in population since I was there 16 years ago. Back then it was sparsely populated, but beginning to grow.

When I was there, there was a big hoopla when a mining company decided to develop a mine right alongside of the main road. I seemed like everyone in Goldstream Valley and the surrounding areas wanted and tried to shut them down.

You may be hard put to find mineable ground that is not privately owned or even overlaid with housing. It has been historically rich ground since way back when.
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Re: Prospecting Goldstream!

Post by Geowizard » Sun Jan 06, 2019 12:05 am


Until "they" discover GOLD in their back yard! :o

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Re: Prospecting Goldstream!

Post by ProspectingAK » Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:13 am

I live near Fairbanks and just moved here 4 months ago. I bought a new high banker and am looking for a place to spend my spare time cleaning out nuggets from my gold hog matting. I'd be interested in a friend to hit the road with on the weekend. I bought a 3" dredge nozzle for my high banker and am interested in high banking and dredging. Have a Honda 2" High pressure pump with 160gx engine. Also have a 4 wheel drive pickup truck to get around in. Id like to hear what GeoWizard has to say and anyone else that lives here in AK and near Fairbanks.
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Re: Prospecting Goldstream!

Post by Jim_Alaska » Sun Feb 10, 2019 2:36 pm

There are a few places along the Chatanika River that can be accessed from the road. Start out at Fox at the junction of the Steese and Elliot Highway, turn right on the Steese and watch for places to access the river. There is a recreational mining site out there near the Pedro Monument. It has been hit hard over the years, but the last I knew it still produces some gold.
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Re: Prospecting Goldstream!

Post by Geowizard » Sun Feb 10, 2019 3:44 pm

I lived at North Pole and was in the Air Force. My advice is to settle in and get used to being in Alaska! You are in a part of the world where you are surrounded by GOLD. Be patient, the GOLD isn't going anywhere!

New GOLD miners with wives have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. Being sure that the wife is adjusting and getting acclimated to a new part of the World is priority #1. All members of this Forum will agree, a happy GOLD prospector will take the time to get their spouse as excited about prospecting as they are and become a willing participant.

My prospector advice;

With knowledge that Alaska was discovered by Natives 20,000 years ago and by the Russians and then by North Americans, it's pretty well settled at this point in time. All of the land is owned by someone. There are places you can fish and there are places you can prospect for GOLD. Public thorough-fares and roads are understood to have rights of way and they provide access to much of Alaska. The way Alaska was in 1869, 1969 and the way it is now, in 2019 are three different situations. "Respect" is the order of the day when venturing out into unknown domain.


Learn "where" you may pursue GOLD. Walk gently and be prepared to "bow out gracefully" if necessary.

You have chosen a GREAT group of talented prospectors to learn from! :)

- Geowizard
Last edited by Geowizard on Mon Feb 11, 2019 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prospecting Goldstream!

Post by ProspectingAK » Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:11 am

:shock: I took a stroll up highway 6 towards Chatanika Lodge just yesterday. Everything is covered in snow buy you can still see large tailing piles along both sides of the road. I turned around in the lodge parking lot.
I was curious if the Chena River or Little Chena river have any gold. I found an article from the early 1900's about a gentleman who had found some gold along the Chena river. I cant find much info on any discovery though. I was thinking if one could work a gravel/sand bar on the Chena with a high banker with matting set up for fine gold be interesting what one might find.
Interested in possibly getting permission to work a claim in exchange for a percentage of the gold.
Also you pass Goldstream road on the way up highway 2 heading towards Fox. Sounds like an interesting place. :shock:
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Re: Prospecting Goldstream!

Post by Geowizard » Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:12 am


There's a long history on all of the creeks and rivers around Fairbanks... Millions of ounces of GOLD have been mined around Fairbanks! :)

- Geowizard
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