I want paid under the table...
Many "Helpers" want to be paid under the table.
When does a helper become an employee? Is payment in GOLD considered the same as payment in cash?
What are the liabilities involved in paying helpers? Many miners and helpers try to wiggle around the rules.
Questions may end up before a judge when an accident or fatality happens.
When you pay someone to perform a service for you or your company on a regular basis then they become an employee. Employees are "covered under State and Federal law". The State of Alaska requires that mining companies meet certain requirements including filing taxes and covering employees under the workman's compensation insurance laws. When a worker gets injured, and cannot work, an employer covers 50 percent of the pay-out. Same thing for unemployment insurance.
Payment under the table requires the "employer" to file a 1099 with the IRS. That makes the employee responsible for payment of Federal income taxes. An employer needs to have an EIN. You get that from
Having a helper is complicated. More than the just the financial side is responsibility for their health and welfare on your dredge/mining operation. You may become liable for long term disability payments for accident/injury on your operation.
Fun stuff!
- Geowizard