Here's the original plant.

I could see everything was going to have to come off! The major changes I wanted was adding another screen section, reworking the hopper setup and changing the drive system. Originally the plant was powered by a small 3/4 HP electric motor/reduction box that drove an axle on one side. The axle connected two rollers that drove the drum. I knew from past experience that this was not an optimal drive system!
So I started cutting things apart

I cut out sections of the drum to add another 24" of 1" woven wire screen. Of course I then had to modify and add to the catch pan below the drum.
I also removed the electric motor/gearbox and cut the long axle out between the rollers. In its place for a drive system I mounted a 20:1 gear reducer coupled to a small 5 HP gas engine. I then welded #80 chain sprocket segments around the drum.
Project turned out quite well.

Drum ended up rotating around 13 RPM when the gas motor was 1/4 throttle. I was able to move between 25-30 cu/yds hour through the plant with no problems.

I used the plant all last summer. Little over 140 hours of operation. Mostly pleased with the setup. The drive system worked flawless and never had a moments trouble. Did have a few issues with the hopper feed but that was because of big rocks. I really do not like grizzly's but with this size of a plant I may need to add something for next season.

Sorry I don't have more in progress photos but just never think about it at the time.