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by Geowizard
Mon Dec 17, 2018 7:16 pm
Forum: Gold Prospecting Forum
Topic: Nano GOLD!
Replies: 20
Views: 10903

Re: Nano GOLD!

Hi Slatco, Welcome to the Forum! :) That's a very important question. The recovery of micron GOLD and Nano GOLD is most often carried out by chemical and electrochemical processes. A process referred to as "leaching" involves chemistry. The chemistry can be as simple as introducing a reactive solven...
by Geowizard
Mon Dec 17, 2018 2:26 am
Forum: Gold Prospecting Forum
Topic: Nano GOLD!
Replies: 20
Views: 10903

Re: Nano GOLD!

Leonard, That's a very kind compliment! Thank you. So, the placer tailings have an economy of scale. It's a break-even proposition running tailings on the scale I was at. In order to turn Ophir into a GOLD mine, something had to change... Prospecting provided a better understanding of the Geology at...
by Geowizard
Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:51 pm
Forum: Metal Detecting Forum
Topic: Metal Detecting in an A-Star?
Replies: 72
Views: 35862

Metal Detecting in an A-Star?

Geowizard, What's an A-Star? It's a Helicopter. In this case, a special helicopter that has a metal detector attached (suspended) below. With Jim's permission - we can continue discussion under this Forum - or I might propose a separate Forum on the subject of Geophysical Metal Detecting. :? - Geowi...
by Geowizard
Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:41 pm
Forum: Gold Prospecting Forum
Topic: Nano GOLD!
Replies: 20
Views: 10903

Re: Nano GOLD!

Thanks Jim! I appreciate the opportunity to participate in discussion and share experiences in prospecting on your Forum! Prospectors are trained to look for GOLD. Our WORLD and our perception of ALL that is around us is controlled and LIMITED to what we SEE as we look. I may be hearing impaired... ...
by Geowizard
Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:49 pm
Forum: Gold Prospecting Forum
Topic: Nano GOLD!
Replies: 20
Views: 10903

Nano GOLD!

Hi Everyone, I have been busy "prospecting" at Ophir Mine the past few years. My mission has been to seek out the SOURCE of the 100 thousand ounce placer GOLD recovered in Ophir Creek. It is arduous work and an ultimate test of the energy, resolve and fortitude that one man can put into the effort. ...